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Physiotherapy For Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spine inflammation or cervical arthritis is a type of pain in the cervical spine characterized by pain and stiffness in the neck, back, shoulders. It occurs in many different types of spinal cord injuries and is a common cause of neck pain in both men and women, especially women.

The most apparent cervical spondylosis symptom is neck pain that affects one side and can radiate to the other side of the neck, usually from the head, back, shoulders, hand, and fingers.

Several exercises for cervical tension that our physiotherapist can recommend for cervical spondylosis do not require any equipment other than a bed or table. The traction force can ensure that the trapped nerve roots have more space in the spine.

Our physiotherapist may also suggest adjustments to your workplace and work habits to promote good posture, protect the neck, and reduce your risk of cervical spondylosis.

The inclusion of neck stretching in your daily routine can give your cervical spine more flexibility and strength and help you cope better with spinal arthritis. Our physiotherapist can show you how to strengthen and stretch your neck, improve your posture, and best prevent neck pain.

After a proper assessment, our physio will begin a series of stretching exercises, such as neck stretches, shoulder stretches, and hand stretches.

By improving the neck’s strength and flexibility, these muscles can maintain a good posture while reducing the strain on the cervical spine. While the pain cannot be completely eliminated, physical therapy can play an essential role in improving neck posture and function during daily movements. While you learn how to maintain a good posture while sitting or standing, exercises and physical therapies can help reduce the strain on your neck.

You will receive a home exercise program that strengthens your neck, shoulders, arms, and upper back until the end of formal physical therapy.

Our physiotherapist will teach you gentle exercises to the cervical spine to ease the symptoms and allow you to return to normal movement. With a home exercise program such as stretching and strengthening exercises,
Physiotherapy, combined with appropriate medical care, can work wonders in the treatment of cervical spondylosis.

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